Lightweight Modification Sigra And Calya Make it More Cool

Fever Calya Toyota and Daihatsu Sigra still visible, both in terms of sales and also more and more users are added some accessories so that the display Calya Sigra more pleasing to the eye. Although there are also some complaints and solutions from consumers.

Here are a few minor modifications to Toyota and Daihatsu Sigra Calya which we summarized from various sources and we serve it for you.

1. Change Model Shark Fin Antenna

Although the default antenna Sigra and Calya already quite good model dair Avanza Xenia, but still there are still less by automotive enthusiasts who tegabung in community Calsic (Calya Sigra Community). Dimaling prone to be easily removed and so the cause, so his antenna was replaced with a model shark. The solution is to replace it with a model or Shark Fin Shark that can be redeemed with a budget of 200-300 thousand.

Antena Sirip Hiu Modifikasi Calya Sigra

The installation was easy because it is equipped with double-sided tape. There was also a bolt which is equal to the original place. For the quality of signal reception is good enough.

2. Change Wheels Honda Jazz or Yaris.

Yaris TRD alloy wheels options or Honda Jazz RS can make Sigra Calya see more muscular, besides looks more good, control is also feels more solid. This is done by Ade Habibie

Modifikasi Velg Jazz Toyota Calya Sigra
Image: Ade Habibie (Calsig)
The installation is also easy as Plug n Play (PNP) and PCD (Pitch Circle Diameter) is also the same. Another plus is the OEM wheels are certainly proven durability than buying aftermarket wheels. Also the price is also affordable range of 3 million depending on the condition as well. The drawback is that we have to buy new tires in size with its wheels and also warranty on the legs also forfeited because it uses a different part of the original.
3. Change Logo Logo Standard Calya with Toyota or Lexus.

To make it look more Toyota-ism Garudanya standard logo should be replaced with Genuine Toyota innate. This logo can be purchased online or at the dealer Auto2000 with prices ranging from $10 USD

How to install can be done alone or also enlist the help of mechanic in authorized workshops or workshop accessories. If you want to change themselves, set up just like a small flat-head screwdriver, double-sided tape, scissors and a soft cloth.

modifikasi toyota calya
Image: Ade Habibee (Calsig)

Pull out corners Garuda logo beforehand with flat-head screwdriver covered with a cloth. Once dislodged everything, clean the parts with a dry cloth. Replace the Toyota logo by adding a double-sided tape to make it more robust and more tightly its position, because if you do not use double-sided tape there will be a gap or estrangement.

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